Fault messages: Status codes for WEB-Export test transmission

Fault messages: Status codes for WEB-Export test transmission
Errors when setting up the test connection or logging onto the server:

101 DNS error Type of Internet access set to “None”.
A DNS server must be entered. There is no connection to the network. Set correct access type.
Enter correct DNS. Check cables and plugs.

102 Cannot open socket. Internal error Prepare configuration
and data back up and contact Support.

103 Cannot connect socket The connection is disrupted by a firewall.
The server is overloaded. Set appropriate approvals in the firewall. Try again later.

104 No answer from the server. There is a fault on the FTP server.
Try again later. Restart the FTP server.

105 Wrong response from the server. The FTP server used is not supported or is not
configured correctly. Use another FTP server or check the configuration.

106 User/password incorrect. The user name of password to access the FTP was entered incorrectly.
Check spelling.

107 Wrong directory. An incorrect directory was set for the transmission. Check spelling.

Errors when transferring the back up:

108 Unable to send the file.

Errors when transferring data without losing the test connection.

111 Error in remote file name. This is an internal error. Contact support.

112 Error when setting the representation type. The FTP server used is not supported or not
configured properly. Use another FTP server or check the configuration.

113 Error when setting the passive mode. The FTP server used is not supported or not
configured properly. The connection is disrupted by a firewall.
The Internet connection has been disrupted. Use another FTP server or check the configuration.
Set appropriate approvals in the firewall. Check the Internet connection.

114 Socket could not be opened. Internal error Prepare configuration and data back up and contact Support.

115 IP address could not be changed. Internal error Contact support.

116 Socket could not be connected. The connection is disrupted by a firewall.
The server is overloaded. Set appropriate approvals in the firewall. Try again later.

117 Unknown error
118 STOR failed. There is a fault on the FTP server. Try again later. Restart the server.
Check free memory space on the server.

119 File could not be opened. Internal error. Contact support.

120 Time exceeded, no answer The server is overloaded. The connection is disrupted by a firewall.
Try again later. Set appropriate approvals in the firewall.

121 Time exceeded, transmission error. The server is overloaded. The Internet connection has been disrupted. Try again later. Check the Internet connection.

122 No answer

123 Transmission failed. There is a fault on the FTP server. Try again later. Restart the server.
Check free memory space on the server.

124 Incorrect number of bytes transferred. The server is overloaded. The Internet connection has been disrupted.
Try again later. Check the Internet connection.

Error when transferring data and test connection lost:
The probable cause is the loss of the test connection. This can occur when the Internet connection is disrupted or when the maximum FTP connection length is exceeded.

131 Error in remote file name This is an internal error. Contact support.

132 Error when setting the representation type.
The FTP server used is not supported or not configured properly.
Use another FTP server or check the configuration.

133 Error when setting the passive mode. The FTP server used is not supported or not configured properly.
The connection is disrupted by a firewall. The Internet connection has been disrupted. Use another FTP server
or check theconfiguration. Set appropriate approvals in the firewall. Check the Internet connection.

134 Socket could not be opened. Internal error Prepare configuration and data back up and contact Support.

135 IP address could not be changed. Internal error Contact support.

136 Socket could not be connected. The connection is disrupted by a firewall. The server is overloaded.
Set appropriate approvals in the firewall. Try again later.

137 Unknown error

138 STOR failed. There is a fault on the FTP server. Try again later. Restart the server. Check free memory space on the server.

139 File could not be opened. Internal error Contact support.

140 Time exceeded, no answer The server is overloaded. The connection is disrupted by a firewall.
Try again later. Set appropriate approvals in the firewall.

141 Time exceeded, transmission error The server is overloaded. The Internet connection has been disrupted. Try again later. Check the Internet connection.

142 No answer

143 Transmission error There is a fault on the FTP server. Try again later. Restart the server.
Check free memory space on the server.

144 Incorrect number of bytes transferred. The server is overloaded. The Internet connection has been disrupted.
Try again later. Check the Internet connection.

Fault on the server:
150 Error when renaming the remote file Simultaneous access attempt
Terminate other connections to the FTP server.

199 Last transmission attempt failed but no known error. Internal error Contact support.

Error when preparing the data in the internal memory:
200 Error when creating files Internal error Contact support.

E-mail transmission status codes:
1 Unable to resolve IP address of FTP server Type of Internet access set to “None”.
A DNS server must be entered. There is no connection to the network. Set correct access type.
Enter correct DNS. Check cables and plugs.

2 User name or password incorrect, or not accepted Check spelling

3 SMTP server not responding The connection is disrupted by a firewall. The server is overloaded.
Set appropriate approvals in the firewall. Try again later.
Prepare configuration and data back up and contact Support.

98 Previous transmission failed. The Solarlog could not send older e-mails. Carry out a test e-mail
dispatch and analyse the error message displayed.

99 Unknown error Internal error Contact support.



Le tecnologie per risparmiare nelle PMI – Be1

Le tecnologie per risparmiare nelle PMI – Be1.


Le tecnologie per risparmiare nelle PMI

Diminuzione dei costi e ottimizzazione della produttività sono obiettivi ricorrenti tra le PMI nel momento del bilancio e di previsione per il futuro, specialmente in un periodo storico segnato dalla crisi. Tuttavia ogni crisi genera nuove prospettive, così come ogni cambiamento del mercato può offrire nuove opportunità a tutti quelli che sapranno coglierle e superare le difficoltà.

Ogni settore ha una gamma di strategie adottabili che portano benefici e risparmio costi; un’attenta analisi dell’azienda consente di razionalizzare le risorse sfruttando le nuove tecnologie, con conseguente risparmio sui costi aziendali.

Per una PMI è importante avvalersi di consulenti che analizzino la specifica realtà e offrano all’azienda le soluzioni adeguate agli obiettivi da realizzare. Il valore loro aggiunto consiste proprio in un supporto professionale che mira a evitare tagli indiscriminati ed a valutare le aree di investimento, individuando quelle su cui effettuare i tagli ma anche quelle in cui acquisire nuove tecnologie.

Non rinunciare a innovare deve essere l’obiettivo di ogni PMI soprattutto in un mercato sempre in movimento e in continua evoluzione.

Vediamo qualche soluzione pratica da adottare per diminuire i costi e ottimizzare i benefici in termini di produttività:

  • archiviare e conservare in formato digitale i documenti. Tramite la protocollazione elettronica i documenti sono facilmente recuperabili e le informazioni sono più accessibili; inoltre questa elimina i costi della carta e quelli di archiviazione e mantenimento.
  • Viaggi: invece di usare auto, treno o altro, le riunioni e gli incontri possono essere tenuti anche in call conference e videoconferenza; ciò permette un risparmio sia di soldi sia di CO2, quindi una diminuzione dell’inquinamento atmosferico.
  • Telefonia mobile: possibilità di analizzare i servizi voce e di connettività mobile, e rivederli in base alle necessità.
  • Voip: sicuramente più economico di un sistema telefonico tradizionale.
  • Sito webintranet, piattaforma cloud: creare delle piattaforme di accesso unico e di condivisione di risorse, applicazioni e strumenti di lavoro accessibili a tutti i collaboratori e da qualsiasi posto si trovino.
  • Gestire, ascoltare e interagire con il cliente permette di capirne le esigenze, di rispondere prontamente alle sue richieste e, cosa più importante, di anticipare le sue esigenze.

Eseguiti i cambiamenti necessari, emersi in corso di analisi, è importante che questi siano monitorati costantemente al fine di valutare e analizzare l’effettivo vantaggio all’interno della PMI.
